2011-01-01 Economic Research & Development


International Business Management Standard and Policy in Outsourcing

For a business to maintain a specified level of activity over many years of success, it requires that the stadium for the area of development and more effective at certain times where indications are that improved transparency is required. For the longer term to have a flexible design business, it takes usually a dynamic within different business areas. With a dynamic development process, such as a front to meet the challenges ahead, so usually works innovation areas to identify opportunities as a kind of business strategy which it states a form to the business plan. With this method, so you always have whatever business a number of opportunities for development and growth increases met for action. For new start companies, this is above all an invaluable part of its business plan, rapidly and effectively identify and implement new opportunities with a low capital cost and thereby creating new products and services from one kind of resource database. In America this is called 'outsourcing' and the definition of outsourcing is a rapidly growing industry of specialty decentralized outsourcing companies whose activities are often similar to the structure that investment banks use to secure capital in organizations. A typical character of an outsourcing company is to find business solutions for turnkey concepts and tailor-made business concept. There are a number of activities for such an undertaking, by which a business, therefore, receive no special factors for the development and growth. You could say that these activities also are specialized segments of the financial analysts who have chosen to pick out a specific area from the regular banking operations, and focused only on developing the outsourcing area an area of expertise for development institutions and a number of jurisdictions. By maintaining a structure for its network of collaborations such as banks, insurance companies, government agencies, analysts, and advisory lawyers as this sector has now a most remarkable development in structured growth categories. It is then by the outward-raising activities which often restricts a consultancy business in outsourcing and characterizes an investment bank or a financial institution. In the wake of the capitalist world, there are always these types of collaboration on various levels to represent the structure of a most profitable industry to one of tomorrow's key business areas for small-and medium-sized businesses to maintain a position and continue to evolve. The position which has an identity in the future in the international world that we live in where there is no guarantee in the long run for someone to just leaned back to watch as a sector development and modernization. This analysis is usually originates from a small but significant indication. There is also a marked difference to this community is in direct interaction of a so-called 'bailout' or a 'national reform efforts' to whether it is a regional development factor. That it will set aside a very substantial capital for this restructuring and the capital will come from somewhere is quite clear. That what this is about is in the end the of the levels of the established industry that choose to comply with and so also appear on the development of future growth which is necessary to collect an entire business structure. I think many industrial areas will be for a very long time searching for analysis of what it is that prevents the growth will accelerate. It is in this movement that outsourcing companies are a proactive approach to securing national and international growth.


Internationell Affärsutvecklings Standard och Policy inom Outsourcing

För att en affärsverksamhet skall kunna bibehålla en angiven verksamhetsnivå under många framgångsrika år så krävs det att arenan för verksamhetsområdet utvecklas och effektiviseras vid särskilda tidpunkter där indikationer tyder på att en förbättrad insyn erfordras. För att man på längre sikt skall kunna ha en flexibilitet utformad affärsverksamhet så krävs det oftast en dynamik inom olika affärsområden. Med en dynamisk utvecklingsprocess, så som en front för att möta framtidens utmaningar, så fungerar oftast innovationsområden för att identifiera möjligheter som en slags affärsstrategi vilken man uppger en form åt i affärsplanen. Med denna metod så har man alltid oavsett affärsområde en rad möjligheter till utveckling och tillväxtökningar tillgodosett för åtgärdsområden. För nystartsföretag är detta framförallt en ovärderlig del i dess affärsplan, att snabbt och effektivt kunna identifiera och implementera nya möjligheter med en låg kapitalkostnad och på så sätt skapa nya produkter och tjänster utifrån en slags resursdatabas. I Amerika kallas detta för 'outsourcing' och definitionen för outsourcing är en snabbt växande industri av specialliserade outsourcingföretag med verksamheter som oftast liknar den struktur som investeringsbanker använder sig av för att säkra kapital i verksamheter. En typisk karaktär av ett outsourcingföretag är att utröna affärslösningar till nyckelfärdiga koncept och skräddarsydda affärskoncept. Det finns ett antal verksamhetsområden för ett sådant företag varigenom en således verksamhet uppbär några särskilda faktorer för utveckling och tillväxt. Man kan säga att dessa verksamheter också är specialiserade segment av finansiella analytiker som valt att plocka ut ett specifikt område ifrån den vanliga bankverksamheten och enbart fokuserat på att utveckla outsourcing området till ett expertområde för utvecklingsinstitutioner och en rad myndighetsområden. Genom en bibehållen struktur för dess nätverk av samverkansformer så som banker, försäkringsbolag, myndigheter, analytiker, och rådgivande jurister så har denna sektor nu en alldeles enastående utvecklingspotential i strukturerade tillväxtkategorier. Det är sedermera den utåtgörande verksamheten som oftast begränsar en konsultverksamhet inom outcourcing och som karaktäriserar en investeringsbank eller en finansiell institution. I spåret av den kapitalistiska världen så finns också alltid dessa samverkansformer för olika nivåer för att utgöra den strukturen i en mest lönsam industri till ett av framtidens viktigaste affärsområden för små-, och medelstoraföretag att bibehålla en position och att vidareutvecklas. Den ståndpunkt som har en identitet i framtiden i den internationella värld som vi lever i där finns ingen garanti på längre sikt för någon att enbart tillbakalutat se på när en sektor utvecklas och moderniseras. Denna analys är oftast hämtad ur en liten men mycket betydande indikation. Det är också en markant skillnad till om denna samhällsutveckling sker i direkt samverkan för en sk 'bailout' eller ett 'nationellt reformarbete' till om det är en regional utvecklingsfaktor. Att det kommer avsättas ett mycket omfattande kapital för denna strukturomvandling och att det kapitalet kommer att tas någonstans ifrån står helt klart. Det vad som här handlar om är i slutänden den om vilka nivåer av den etablerade industrin som väljer att följa med och så också framträda den utvecklingen för en framtida tillväxt vilken är nödvändig för att uppbära en hel affärsstruktur. Jag tror att många industriområden kommer att under en mycket lång tid söka efter analyser för vad det är som hindrar en tillväxt att ta fart. Det är i denna rörelse som outsourcing företagen är ett förebyggande grepp för att nationellt och internationellt säkra en tillväxt.



Vi kan hjälpa ert företag att utröna en ny affärslösning och vi arbetar som externa konsulter.

För att kontakta oss för mer information och rådgivning om outsourcing

Giuen Invest Management Offshore Ltd. London, UK

Int: Tel: +46 (0) 705474830 Kontakt: Roger K. Olsson




Borrow at the Lowest Possible Cost

Economics of Government Borrowing
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Capital Protected Products
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’ One of the major challenges that start-ups face in the early stages is access to finance. Majority of new business ventures are funded with informal capital often sourced from business owners themselves, or their family and friends. However, with the accelerated growth of start-ups traditional informal sources of funding no longer suffice. This is where private equity plays a major role in addressing the funding gap.’


Standard Securities Borrowing – Financial Market Participants
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The issuer of securities must take steps to ensure:

robust due diligence is conducted regarding compliance with the
continuous disclosure rules and identification of all excluded information
to be contained in the ‘cleansing notice’;


there has been a timely issue of the ‘cleansing notice’;


the cleansing notice clearly sets out the excluded information;


there has otherwise been timely disclosure of information by the issuer
under its continuous disclosure obligations (e.g. material information is
disclosed immediately an entity becomes aware of it, unless there is a
relevant carve out);


that prospective investors are fully informed before they take up any offer;


the pricing and availability of any capital raising offer is fair for all
shareholders and in the best interests of the company.


Communicating information regarding equity capital raisings to potential
investors before it is provided to the market generally can raise concerns about
breaches of continuous disclosure or insider trading laws. In this regard, it is
important that the listed entity maintains confidentiality when sounding out
equity capital raising proposals. Potential investors must give confidentiality
and ‘no-trade’ undertakings (e.g. establish information barriers within their


We intend to generally monitor the effectiveness of these information barriers
around price-sensitive information, both in relation to listed entities that are
conducting equity capital raisings and their advisers and prospective investors.
There should be a complete list of all parties (within and outside the entity)
provided with confidential information about the listed entity and records
setting out what they were told.


Announcements on a particular topic can give rise to a market expectation that
they will be updated. If an announcement is made updating an earlier market
announcement, the fact that it is an update should be highlighted. Material
information in the announcement should be given appropriate prominence and
be clear as to its possible implications.


If market practices indicate ongoing risks in this area, we will need to consider
whether the relief we have proposed is still appropriate and whether further
regulatory guidance or changes regarding non-prospectus and non-PDS equity
capital raising are needed.



International Financial Institution

It is of highest concern to a focused approach to that leadership is present in a most optimal function in everyday practice. Therefore I recommend that external interests such as religion, sect operates either and other non-independent assemblies operate or pride in his leadership of the focused economic activity and related activities of the ‘Bank’. So as we demand of jurisdiction, security agencies with the military and other bodies in association to this development. We demand a high standard for the investigation, inspection and verification by entering any privacy intrusion. Also, We are looking for that til the last detail to comply with our directives. There is thus a precise definition that, under no circumstances is a form of contributions to religious contexts or sect. This activity is therefore independent and independent from UN organizations as well and has for the time period not intend to operate as a development in the UN. Security issues, however, to a lesser extent, still is a base of output for certain cases by means of collusion. I shall also take this opportunity to clarify the distinct wipe with economic development in relation to investment banks, international financial institutions, commercial, and public banks, and other stakeholders in the industry. The most common misinterpretation that we face out in public and at people who might be under very harsh circumstances, working for their cause, such as lawyers of legal areas, security divisions of a number of different kinds, or IT developers. There is a plethora of different situations based on their reported resource will be interpreted and valued. To our advantage or to our disadvantage? In any case, the inner core of our company and of our economic development and related activities consistent with activities that determine the framework, which sets the standard and that drives the development, growth and future business forward. This is the simple but still very robust system which is structured in each phase of development to shape the international financial institution which will primarily have the framework of the activity at their disposal. For in any case satisfy the optimum for advice on the right path, for reports of recommendations, commitments and regulations, so we create some understanding of these structures with its effect, goals and vision. When we subsequently term define an market segment. We are speaking just as the structure and the way it can help public or individual needs to face the future. When we have mastered to make this effort for our environment then we have also achieved the status that we care about most, which we regard as a maximum and that its outcome unfolds in successful results across the businesses, the creative will and developing spirit. Be happy always with you that the ethics and values that we have in the policy, it is worth more, and more appreciated than many authorities have ever sat, it is greater than what the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières is based in. The policies that we have for our foundation it is the best the world has and owns. It the policy of Giuen Department of Development (GDD).




Roger K. Olsson
Board of Commission